Wednesday, 25 February 2015

P15 - Script


With East London housing the poorest boroughs in the nation the issue of homelessness has risen over the recent years.

More and more people are becoming homeless but now it's having a huge affect on young people.

Here's more from this report.

As told these days we are having to face the unfortunate truth of homelessness affecting teenagers and young people more than anyone else.

What some of our educated people are unaware of is the situation itself. Many do not know why this is happening in the place they call their home.

It's clear to say that people are aware of the benefit cuts which so many rely on to live, feed families and keep a roof over their head, but do the younger generation know this? 

I have been out scouring the streets of East London asking the public what they think causes people to become homeless.


The response seems to be similar with everyone, saying one factor causing homelessness is due to financial problems but only one person show they have more knowledge on the topic.

As the years go by, unfortunately the issue will continue to rise, especially for young people and the next generation.

One young teenager shared the story of witnessing one of their family members having to live on the streets.


So it seems as though not every young person is completely clueless to the matter of the subject. However, it looks like to truly understand a serious and sensitive topic such as this, the best way would be to experience it.

I’m Syeda Tahsin reporting for Fly FM.


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